Teenagers and housework


Written by: Walter Daniel Poppe Villa Larrea

Housework is a very important subject in life. However, through the years and centuries, it's evident that it wasn't appreciated by a majority in society. Inappropriate concepts have been growing through time. Concepts such as, it is a simple and trivial work, and it is done only for servants, have been common around the world. The term servant shows a kind of contempt by a mean mind who thinks that there are important and irrelevant jobs. However, every job is important and relevant in life because it takes time and life.

That's why, if both parents are working outside, teenagers should help their parents with the housework. So, if it's the case, it's advisable to count on their support. But if parents have enough time, it’s advisable to train teenagers in housework because they will need these skills in the future.

Adults have already developed enough skills through time, that's why they need to transfer their experience to young people. In addition to that, sharing their knowledge with them, it's a great chance for developing their sense of belonging and compromise in their families.