The Fashion Industry

Written by: Walter Daniel Poppe Villa Larrea
Date: April, 25th, 2021

The fashion industry is an important part of our modern society. In many ways, it influences the behavior, feelings, and thoughts of people. Adults, teenagers, and even children are affected by this influence.

Now more than before, we have big cities, and for that reason, there are many companies such as banks and industries such as Coca-Cola. In banks, for example, one needs to use formal clothes at every time. The appearance in a bank is very important because is a business environment.

A further point is that clothes are usually the first impression to the eyes. In that sense, fashion industries make big efforts for making high-quality garments. As a result of this, many popular brands are very expensive too.
I think that we must find a balance between quality and price. It's possible to look good at an affordable price. We only need to look for the brands that offer both, quality and a good price at the same time.

In conclusion, appearance, of course, is important at any time, and looks good is possible not expending a ton of money.